If you are a Temple member and do not have a login, If you want to update any of your personal information, ------------------------------------------------------------------ Who are we? The Reform Temple of Laguna Woods has been serving the Village’s Jewish community since 1996. It was founded on the principles of inclusive Jewish worship and social values. Our members come from diverse backgrounds and are united in a community which provides friendship, support and participation in a spiritual, communal experience. We hold Shabbat Services and High Holy Day Services. The Shabbat Services take place every Friday night at 7:30 PM in Clubhouse 1. Services are led by our Rabbi, Joe Mendelsohn; our music director, Juanita Tsu; and our Cantor Stacey Morse. There is an oneg following the service. All guests are welcome to participate in our Shabbat services. Guests may also participate by joining our zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84780450674?pwd=M2xiMkhsN05rWTNubE9lbk1MamdnZz09
CONNECTIONS COMMITTEE: If you would like a monthly phone call to stay connected or you know someone who would, contact Lisa Bender at 949-200-7083. HAVUROT: Dine Out Havurah, Jan Salberg, Jean Richland. Contact Jan at 949-525-0123. Theater Havurah, email Mike Bender at bender.family@gmail.com New Members – If you are a new member, we have several groups forming. Call Steve Heit – 949-767-6842. Junior Seniors – To keep the Temple young at heart – Call Debbie Spangenthal – 419-344-1241. Temple Book Club – 3rd Tuesday @ 10 a.m. 2404 Rec Room. Contact Harriet Schwartz – 248-766-5290. Foreign Intrigue Book Club – For mystery lovers - 2nd Tuesday @12:30 in members’ homes. Contact Lynne Rosenstein – 562-773-5107. ONEG SHABBAT SERVERS: It is an easy and rewarding mitzvah to pour coffee and tea at the Oneg Shabbat. ONEG SHABBAT SPONSORS: Consider hosting an Oneg in honor of a birthday, anniversary, simcha, or “just because.” Call Barbara Zell for further information, (949)362-8908. MEALS-ON-WHEELS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Responsible for delivering meals to Village residents once a month. You and a partner will drive a short route to bring meals to shut-ins. Call Barbara Goldberg (949) 470-0312. TREE of LIFE: Purchase leaves for our Temple's Tree of Life in honor or in memory of friends and family. Leaves are $360 for Gold, $180 for Silver, and $90 for Bronze. Please use the form in our monthly newsletter. Send your check payable to RTLW; mail it to Susan Gaile-Bain at 5518 Paseo Del Lago East 2H, Laguna Woods, CA 92637. Questions? Call Susan at (281)732-4068. ENDOW OUR TEMPLE- Become a Legacy Society Member by agreeing to include the Temple in your will. This will assure our Temple will flourish and be here for future generations of Jewish residents of Laguna woods. Contact Stuart Hack for information. 949-212-7028 MI SHEBEIRACH CHAIR: Solange Pullman Fisch is our Mi Shebeirach chair. If you are ill, know of a temple member who is ill, or want to add a friend or relative to the weekly Mi Shebeirach list, please contact Solange, who will ensure that the person stays on the list the appropriate amount of time. Her phone number is 949-458-3656; email solpul35@gmail.com. The Bereavement Group will meet twice a month. The next dates are Monday January 6 and January 20th in the rec room at 2393 Via Mariposa W., from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. Please contact or Ken Levin 714-767-4236, or Harriet Schwartz 949-454-9211 for information. JEWISH NATIONAL FUND TREES FOR ISRAEL: To purchase a tree in honor or memory of someone, please complete the form in the newsletter. The cost is $18 per tree. Call Marilyn Gross (949)380-0812. YAHRZEIT CONTRIBUTIONS: To make a Yahrzeit contribution or get info about making Yahrzeit contributions, contact Marlene Barkley, 310-838-3010. Send the check to RTLW, PO Box 2833. Laguna Hills, 92653 or go to website: https://reformtempleoflagunawoods.wildapricot.org. For YAHRZEIT UPDATES AND/OR CHANGES: contact Larry Lipton at (973) 768-1149 or lawrencelipton@yahoo.com . All yahrzeits announced reflect the Yahrzeits that occur from the current to the upcoming Thursday. TEMPLE TRIBUTES: TO HONOR OR REMEMBER SOMEONE Fill out a Tzedakah envelope and mail with your check payable to Reform Temple of Laguna Woods, PO Box 2833, Laguna Hills, CA 92654. Envelopes are available on the Shalom Table. Or go to our website: https://reformtempleoflagunawoods.wildapricot.org. DEATH OF CONGREGATION MEMBER: Please inform Rabbi Mendelsohn at 949-309-1564. All funeral arrangements and compensation are between the member and the Rabbi. Meal of Condolence: The congregation offers a meal of condolence for mourners returning from the cemetery. CEMETERY PLOTS If you are interested in pre-planning the purchase of funeral arrangements, the Reform Temple offers cemetery plots through Dignity Memorial at Harbor Lawn .Renay Teper will be visiting us in the near future to discuss the process and pricing of plots. Please let Eileen know if you are interested in attending, rtlwpres@gmail.com. To receive the Temple discount contact Renay Teper at 949-939-6751. If interested in mortuary services contact Eric Rothman, Malinow and Silverman at 800-710-7100. |
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